Release of souvenir by the dignitaries during the one-day conference, PCYR-14, held on 18-10-2014
The Society for Polymer Science, India, is one of the premier professional societies of the country formed with the intention of promoting advancement in the field of Polymer Science and Technology and also to provide a forum for interaction among the polymer scientists, engineers and technologists in the R&D laboratories, universities and industries across the country.
The Thiurvananthapuram Chapter of the Society for Polymer Science, India was formally formed on January 20, 1996 with Dr. V.N Krishnamurthy (VSSC) and Dr. R. Ramaswamy (VSSC) respectively as the founder President and Secretary of the local Chapter. Dr. C.P Sharma (SCTIMST), Dr. K.N Ninan (VSSC), Dr. R. Ramaswamy (VSSC) Dr. C.K.S Pillai (RRL-TVM, now NIIST), Mr. V.P. Balagangadharan (VSSC) and Dr. K. J. Scariah (VSSC) were the succeeding Presidents of the Chapter. Dr. S Venkatachalam (VSSC), Dr. C.K.S Pillai (RRL-TVM, now NIIST), Dr. M. Jayabalan (SCTIMST) and Dr. K.J Scariah (VSSC) and Dr. C.P. Reghunadhan Nair (VSSC) served as the Secretaries during these periods. Dr. A. Ajayaghosh (NIIST) and Dr. Benny K. George (VSSC) were also elected as presidents and Shri R. Muraleekrishnan (VSSC) and Dr. R. S. Rajeev (VSSC) were elected as Secretaries of the Chapter. Dr. Benny K George (VSSC) and Dr. Santhosh Kumar KS (VSSC) respectively were the immediate past President and Secretary of the Chapter. Dr. Kuruvilla Joseph (IIST) and Dr. Satheesh Chandran M (VSSC) respectively are the current President and Secretary of the Chapter.